
Top 3 Ways to Improve Customer Service with Technology

July 17, 2018

In today’s world, technology has pervaded every industry, not excluding the self-storage industry.  We have new ways of improving customer service and interaction through these new advances.  Customers are expecting more from businesses. QuikStor has created a few methods of more easily keeping track of customer activity, as well as allowing customers to open the gates, and pay online.

Managing a facility is a tough job, one that requires good organization and a reliable system. QuikStor’s Manager App can be an extremely useful tool for managers.  It is only available for storage facilities who have signed up for the Platinum Package.

Here are the main features of the Manager App:

Open Your Gates

The Guardian Control Panel is built into the Manager App, giving you the ability to open, hold open, or close any gates or access points.

Digital Walk-through

You can view a list of units in real time! Forget flipping through pages and pages trying to find the right unit. This can save a lot of time.

Tenant Lookup and Information

Search any tenant by name and find their unit number using the search feature. You can search their balance, pay to date, and other important information as well. If you happen to run into a tenant in the facility and they have any questions that need to be answered, this would be very useful to have right in your pocket.

Multiple Facilities

Manage all your facilities with this smartphone app.

Digital Lock Check

Enable your manager to lock check in real time.

Unit Notes

If you are making an inspection and going around looking for damages, this may be handy. Note down any damaged units on the app. Notes are automatically added to QuikStor Express.

Sometimes it’s great to offer your customers a useful tool. Introducing the Tenant App. The smartphone app designed to make your customer’s lives a lot easier. Here are the features.

Tenant App:

Open Gates

Customers can open, hold open, or close gate entrances.

Access Control

Customers will only be able to open the gates within a certain proximity, and within certain hours, access levels, and delinquency status, according to the manager’s settings. They will not be able to enter or exit after a specific time, and can only open the gate if they are close enough to it.

E-commerce – Online Reservations and Rentals:

With online payments and reservations/rentals, it’s super easy to pay from anywhere you are using a computer with an internet connection.  Customers can pay their bill from the convenience of their homes.  They can manage their accounts by printing statements, making payments, and researching their accounts.  Data remains safely at the facility with servers updating the websites and blocking unauthorized activity.

There are also ways of customizing QuikStor’s eCommerce pages to suit your brand, including different colors, pictures, and your logo.  All transactions are 100­ secure using the latest in online security including PCI compliant credit card payments and SSL/TLS.  If you don’t yet have a responsive website, you can ask a QuikStor representative how you can get your own customized website along with online rentals and reservations pages.  This is a very simple way of improving your customer service.