If you’re a self-storage owner, you’ve likely been hearing more and more about The Cloud or “moving to the cloud.” From industry publications to your service or software providers (and maybe even your competition), it seems everyone is talking about streamlining operations and having more flexible access to their facility data by transitioning to a browser-based solution.
It’s likely that you’re already using a cloud-based software to manage some area of your life, if not your business – and you probably have been for years. If you use any online email service like Yahoo, Hotmail, or Gmail or have an account on any social media site, you’re trusting The Cloud to manage and keep secure your communications, photos, memories, and more.
What Is Cloud Software?
At a very basic level, cloud software allows companies and other users to access, share, and control data from wherever they have a device with an internet connection. Instead of having years of business data like customer transaction histories, monthly reports, or customer contact information stored on a single computer in the office, this information is hosted in a server offsite that can be accessed from anywhere at any time.
Typically, the data that is stored in the “cloud” sits in a third-party data center that is highly secure and has several fail safes in place to avoid things like power outages or security breaches. These data center providers and their reputations rely on their ability to provide their clients with continuous access to their information and take great lengths to ensure that customer data stays online online and stays accessible.
Here we take a look at how cloud software works, its benefits, and how our clients can use QuikStor Cloud to make managing self-storage facilities easier and, ultimately, more profitable.
The Benefits of Cloud Software
For people and organizations new to the cloud and digital transformation, transferring all of your data and uploading things like sales figures and customer contact information into the cloud can trigger concerns around security and access. However, cloud software and its associate data centers have actually been around for years. (If you are using QuikStor Platinum self storage management software your data has been backed up on a secure server at regular intervals since your purchase date.)
The ability of browser-based business software to increase productivity and improve response times shows just how effective it can be. Here is a brief overview of some of the main benefits of using cloud software.
Greater Flexibility
With cloud based storage facility management software, you and your entire staff can work from anywhere to respond to tenant requests, analyze reports, generate and collect signatures on new leases, and take any other required action.
You can easily access your company information online all in one place, and once you do, you can view, assess, and work with your facility data just as if you were sitting in front of the computer at your storage facility. Cloud software makes work faster and more effective.

Nothing to Install
Cloud management software makes installation and logging in easier than ever – in fact, with browser-based software, there is nothing to install on your local machine. You can log in to the software portal from your internet browser so for the most part, all you need is an internet connection.
QuikStor Cloud can even be accessed from your phone or tablet. Once you log in, you have full access to the entire platform.
More Features
If you’re a business owner, you know how much integrating new business software can cost. Not only do you have to pay for the software itself, but large programs typically come with support representatives that train employees and may even need to come on-site to ensure proper integration. The good news about cloud-based software is that all of this happens digitally.
Like most other cloud software companies, QuikStor Cloud is available on a subscription basis with several packages available. You pay for what you use, with the ability to scale up and down based on your facilities needs.
You also get more integrated features because software companies are constantly updating and rolling out new options as they are developed. For the end user, its often just a matter of logging out and logging back in to get all the benefits, features, and fixes released with the latest update.
Increased Security

Have you ever had a computer die on you that held important contracts and other business-critical information? We all know the pain of crashed computers, viruses, and other technical issues.
Cloud software makes your devices an access point rather than a storage system, and removes the risk of housing all of your information in one computer, phone, or hard drive.
Your information is more secure when it sits in the cloud. A lot of storage facilities have hesitations when they first start considering going digital, but once they understand just how many resources go into keeping information secure, it’s easy to have peace of mind knowing customer and company data is safe.
Cloud-based self storage software also makes it easier to segment and protect access to sensitive data, such as company financials. You can manage access control based on user profiles and choose which reports, settings, and areas of the program each employee can view and edit.
Improved Productivity
You and your employees can view and manage your storage facility activity and reports from home or the office (or while you’re waiting in line at the DMV, abroad, wherever) day or night. That means more productivity and a faster response time when it comes to the needs of your tenants.

Most modern workplaces have to deal with employees who need to work from home on occasion, or have to hire people remotely to procure the right skills to grow and thrive in their industry. With a browser-based solution, you can save on commercial office leases and manage more with less space.
When working remotely becomes an option (even if only sometimes), employee morale typically goes up because they can work from home and integrate their careers into their lives seamlessly. Most organizations that shift into the cloud see faster customer response times and better employee engagement levels.
How Cloud Software Is Helping Self-Storage Owners and Managers
We’ve touched a bit on the general benefits of cloud-based software and digital transformation, but how is the cloud helping the self-storage industry move forward?
QuikStor Cloud users love the dashboard that offers them quick access to the health of their facility with just a click. It’s an uncluttered interface where owners and managers can find tenant information, check on the status of leases, and quickly understand what they need to delegate out to employees. What used to take hours can now be done in seconds. It’s easier than ever to gather data and analyze what’s going on with your storage facilities.
QuikStor also offers a two-way texting platform inside its Cloud software solution that allows owners, managers, and other employees to reach tenants at any time from anywhere.
Can’t remember a tenant’s phone number or when you last reached out to them about payment or upgrading their storage unit? Cloud software tracks all of that and makes client communication simple and easy.
Most small businesses that have been in business for several years have a serious paper management problem. There are filing cabinets in the back room – or maybe even a company storage unit – stacked with old leases, applications, and other paperwork.

With QuikStor Cloud, self-storage facilities get e-signature capability that captures signatures and stores leases online, automatically storing them in the corresponding tenant profile once they click Submit. You can get rid of all of those filing cabinets, boxes, and folders and access any documents online whenever you need them.
The right browser-based storage management software can also help self-storage owners identify and act on sales opportunities. It’s a great way to supercharge traditional lead generation methods like posting flyers or placing ads around the facility.
QuikStor Cloud’s Lead Management Portal automatically tracks each lead visually so you can see their progress toward becoming tenants and which marketing channels are working best. Optional VOIP integration through Twilio further enhances lead tracking and conversion.
Use the Cloud to Grow Your Business
Whether you’re a single self-storage facility owner, operate a system of storage facilities, or are someone looking to grow your footprint, QuikStor Cloud is a browser-based storage facility management software solution that can help get you where you want to be. We are focused on helping you scale as your business grows.
With a Cloud in your self-storage business toolkit, you have greater flexibility and can rapidly respond to the needs of your tenants. Keep their data and yours safe and sound with the protection backing the cloud computing network. Make processing payments, signing contracts, and tenant outreach easy and empower your organization to get work done in a modern way.